
IPSP in Le Monde

Four articles by IPSP in Le Monde (April 19, 2024) ! « Pour éviter un avenir dystopique, engageons les transformations systémiques nécessaires », par Merike Blofield, université de Hambourg, Olivier Bouin, Fondation du réseau français des instituts d’études...

IPSP in Nexo

On April 16, 2024, Olivier Bouin, Marc Fleurbaey, Takyiwaa Manuh, Elisa Reis and Margo Thomas published this op-ed in Nexo: Podemos evitar um futuro distópico: por uma nova agenda global

The 2024-2027 Work Program is available

Based on the first meeting of the Advisory Board (Sept. 27-29, Paris), the new Work Program of IPSP for the coming years has been finalized. While flexible and adaptable to future possibilities and opportunities, it defines a roadmap and answers the basic questions...

Saleemul Huq passed away

We are sorry to share the sad news of the loss of Prof. Saleemul Huq, who had recently joined the new Advisory Board of IPSP. The director of the International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD), he was a renowned academic and a relentless climate...

First meeting of the Advisory Board

The first meeting of the Advisory Board of the International Panel on Social Progress to be held in Paris on September 27th-29th, 2023.  The Coordination Council approved yesterday the organisation of the first meeting of the Advisory Board at the Institute...

Coordination Council of IPSP 2

The composition of the Coordination Council of the new International Panel on Social Progress is now complete.  Thanks to the diversity of international experience, thematic expertise and geographical origins of its 12 members, the Coordination Council will constitute...

Now preparing IPSP 2.0

The First Report (Rethinking Society for the 21st Century) was published in 2018, and the Manifesto for Social Progress has been translated and made available to a wide audience since then. After dozens of presentations and debates around the report, the Manifesto and...

Y7 Panel on Inequalities and Upcoming Y7 Summit

This year IPSP partnered with the Youth7 Group (Y7), along with the OECD, the IDDRI, the ESCP Europe, the OFCE and other main institutions. The Y7, is the G7 youth engagement group initiated by Open Diplomacy during the French presidency of the G20 / G8 in 2011. The...

Global Warming, Society, and Responsibility

The Institut Louis Bachelier (France), will hold a conference on the theme of “GLOBAL WARMING, SOCIETY AND RESPONSIBILTY”, on 19 June, at 2pm – 6pm, at the Collège de France, in Paris. IPSP Author and member of the Steering Committee, Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic will...

“Debating Basic Income” at Oxford

On Monday, June 10, IPSP authors will present at a day-long workshop at Nuffield College, Oxford, U.K. Titled “Debating Basic Income,” the workshop has a twofold purpose: to commemorate the work of economist Tony Atkinson, who pioneered the idea of a basic...

TEDxHEC Montreal: Beyond Horizons

On Saturday, March 16, a TEDx event was held at HEC Montréal, Quebec, Canada. With the theme of “Beyond Horizons,” the conference brought together a diverse array of people and big ideas for rethinking society. IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey was one of the...

Global Solutions Summit

The Global Solutions Summit will take place in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday, March 18-19, 2019. The Summit is a policy forum organized by the Global Solutions Initiative, dedicated to making sustainable policy recommendations for the T20 Japan conference and the G20...

“We Can Do Better:” IPSP in Arizona

On Saturday, March 2, the Tucson Festival of Books will hold a discussion and debate of the IPSP’s new book A Manifesto for Social Progress. Written by members of the IPSP Steering Committee, theManifesto for Social Progress summarizes and engages with the...

The Fight Against Inequality

You can now download the slides from the presentation (in French) here.   From February 20th to 26th, a “consensus conference” will take place in Paris, France. Organized in response to the gilets jaunes protest movement, the conference aims to give...

Humanity, Humanism, and the Climate

On Tuesday, January 22, the Comité 21 will hold a debate on the topic of “Humanity, Humanism, and the Climate.” The Comité 21 is a non-profit organization that advises decision-makers on sustainable policies to implement the Agenda 21 and COP 21 climate...

Ripensare la società nel XXI secolo

Click here to view this announcement in English. You can watch a video of the event here. Venerdì 1° febbraio, l’Università Roma La Sapienza ospiterà un evento dedicato alla discussione dei risultati del rapporto IPSP. Ospitato in collaborazione con il Forum...

Amsterdam documentary screening

On Wednesday, January 9, Sofie Wolthers, the director of the new documentary about the IPSP, will show her film in a screening at The Impact Hub, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The showing will be accompanied by drinks and a talk about the film. For more information,...

IPSP in Montaut, Jan. 9

On Wednesday, January 9, an IPSP launch event will take place in the town of Montaut, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France. Marc Fleurbaey, a member of the IPSP steering committee and a resident of the town, will present the IPSP’s small book, A Manifesto for Social...

IPSP at Les Napoleons, Jan. 9-12

On January 9-12, 2019, the Les Napoleons summit will be held in Val d’Isere, France. Les Napoleons is an “Innovative Communications Network” that aims to be a driving force for progress in the communications industry. The summit will bring together a...

“A New Society” in Princeton, Dec. 8

On Monday, December 8th, the Princeton Public Library will hold a screening of the new documentary about the IPSP. After the screening, the director of the film, Sofie Wolthers, will join Marc Fleurbaey (a member of the IPSP Steering Committee) in leading a discussion...

Environment and social progress

An article presenting the IPSP initiative and the Report, touching major issues regarding the environmental dimensions of social progress, has been published in “La Nuova Ecologia”, the official monthly magazine of Legambiente, an Italian association. Legambiente...

IPSP in Economics and Philosophy

The IPSP has been featured in a November special issue of the journal Economics & Philosophy. The issue includes an introduction by IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey and Matthew Adler, commentary on several IPSP chapters by outside authors, and a response by Profs....

Social Progress at Slush GIA and Oxygen 2018

On Tuesday, December 4, two social progress-oriented entrepreneurship events will begin in Helsinki, Finland. Slush Global Impact Accelerator is a world-renowned startup and investment conference aimed at promoting new companies with a positive global impact. The...

IPSP at OECD World Forum, Nov. 27-29

The OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge, and Policy will be held from Nov. 27-29 in Incheon, South Korea. With the theme of “The Future of Well-being,” this conference brings together thousands of policy makers, researchers, and civil society...

IPSP at the House of Lords

2On Friday, November 30, a panel discussion and debate about the IPSP will be held at the House of Lords in Westminster, U.K. Co-sponsored by the IPSP, Queen Mary University of London, Cambridge University Press and the Review of Social Economy, the event will...

IPSP at Princeton, Nov. 26

On Monday, November 26, an IPSP panel discussion will be held at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Co-sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for Human Values, the event will be focused on the...

IPSP in India, Nov. 1

On Thursday, Nov. 1, an IPSP launch event will take place in New Delhi, India. Hosted by the Institute of Economic Growth and Cambridge University Press, the event will include a presentation and panel discussion about the newly-published IPSP report. Several IPSP...

IPSP in Jakarta, Oct. 15

On Monday, October 15, the University of Indonesia will host a seminar about the IPSP report. Part of a series of Seminars and Workshops on Current Economic Thinking with the Indonesia Bureau of Economic Research, this event is entitled “A Manifesto for Social...

IPSP in Florence, Oct. 18-19

The European University Institute and the University of Florence, Italy, have co-organized a special event devoted to social progress and the recent IPSP report. On Thursday, October 18th, the University of Florence will host a discussion entitled “The...

IPSP at World Social Science Forum

The World Social Science Forum (WSSF) is taking place this week in Fukuoka, Japan, bringing together social scientists from all around the world to solve global priority problems. This year’s Forum is dedicated to the issue of security. Several IPSP authors...

IPSP presentation at T20 summit, Buenos Aires

The T20 (Think 20) Summit is currently underway in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Every year, the T20 makes recommendations to the G20 group to promote global cooperation and welfare. Several IPSP authors submitted policy briefs for the summit earlier this summer. On...

IPSP policy briefs for T20 Argentina

Every year, the G20 group of nations holds a summit for national leaders to discuss pressing global concerns. The 2018 summit will be held in November in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The T20 (Think 20) is a global group of think tanks and research organizations around the...

IPSP comes to Sussex: Video

On May 15, 2018, an IPSP launch event was held at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, U.K. A summary of the event is now available on the SPRU website. In addition, video from the event is now available and can be viewed below:...

Launch event in Bergen, June 20

On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, an IPSP launch event will take place at the Bergen Summer Research School in Bergen, Norway. The event will feature a presentation of the upcoming IPSP report along with comments and discussion. Speakers include IPSP authors Marc Fleurbaey...

IPSP at LSE, June 8

On June 8, 2018, the London School of Economics (LSE)’s Department of Philosophy will hold a workshop on the upcoming report of the IPSP. Several IPSP authors will participate in the event, including Marc Fleurbaey, Matthew Adler, and Nick Couldry. The event...

IPSP and Technology’s Stories

On May 15th, a special event at the Science Policy Research Unit (University of Sussex) marked the release of a special issue of Technology’s Stories. Published by the Society for the History of Technology, Technology’s Stories explores the ways in which...

IPSP in Tunis, April 5

On Thursday, April 5, Mustapha Nabli will present the work of the IPSP at a talk hosted by the Department of Social Sciences at the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts. Professor Nabli is a Lead Author of Chapter 6 of the IPSP report. The talk will address...

IPSP at Cumberland Lodge

On February 2-3, a Conference on the Freedom of Religion and Belief was held at Cumberland Lodge, an educational institution near Windsor Castle, Berkshire, U.K. Grace Davie, a Coordinating Lead Author for Chapter 16 of the IPSP report, presented at the conference...

IPSP at IAP Conference, Beijing

On Dec. 9-10, the Interacademy Partnership (IAP) held a conference in Beijing, China. Hosted by the Chinese Academy of Science, the conference was an initiative of the IAP’s Committee on Science for Povery Eradication and Inequallity Reduction (SPEC). The...

IPSP authors at Crossroads Bonn

On November 4th and 5th, just before the COP23 climate chance conference in Bonn, Germany, a group of influential thinkers and high-level actors will hold a conference with the theme of “Climate Action and Human Wellbeing at a Crossroads: Historical...

IPSP Chapter Launch at UPenn

On October 5th, IPSP authors from Chapter 13 held a launch event at the University of Pennsylvania. Nick Couldry, Marwan Kraidy, and Clemencia Rodríguez spoke about media infrastructures, inequalities in media access, and social progress in an event at the Center for...

IPSP authors to participate in T20 summit

IPSP members Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee), Gianluca Grimalda (ch. 8), and Ottmar Edenhofer (ch.4) will participate in a summit of the T20 group in Berlin on 29–30 May. The T20 (or Think20) is an international network of research organizations dedicated to...

IPSP author at T20 Africa conference

On February 1–2, the T20 Group held a high-level conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, to discuss the G20’s relationship with Africa. The T20 (or Think20) is an international network of research organizations dedicated to advising the G20 group ahead of...

Kenneth Arrow

We regretfully announce the death of Kenneth Arrow, member of our Honorary Advisory Board. His contribution to economics has been enormous and spanned all areas of the discipline, starting with a PhD on collective choice that already announced his deep interest in the...

IPSP seminars at UiO

Last month, Professor Nico Cloete, one of the Lead Authors of Chapter 19 of the IPSP report, led a seminar to discuss the IPSP at the University of Oslo (UiO). The title of the seminar was “How Can Education Promote Social Progress?”, and the event was held in...

Leading scholars comment on IPSP report

A few months ago, IPSP authors Nancy Ammerman and Grace Davie issued a wide-ranging call for comments on the first draft of the IPSP report. As the Coordinating Lead Authors of Chapter 16, entitled “Religions and Social Progress,” they invited the...

Our Friend Tony Atkinson

We regretfully announce the death of Sir Anthony Atkinson, member of our Honorary Advisory Board. His work on inequalities, poverty and many dimensions of public policy has had considerable impact and will remain a reference. His encouragements to the work of IPSP...

IPSP author at CGET, Dec. 7

On December 7th, IPSP member Olivier Bouin (Steering Committee) will present at the Commissariat Général à l’Egalité des Territoires, near Paris. Dr. Bouin will discuss the work of the IPSP, particularly the main points of Chapter 5 of the report. Click here for...

IPSP presentation at OECD, Dec. 2

This week, on December 1-2, the OECD held a conference titled “The squeezed middle class in OECD and emerging countries – myth and reality.” One session of the conference featured IPSP author Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Commitee). The session was entitled...

T20 kickoff conference, Dec. 1-2

This week, on December 1-2, the T20 group held a “kickoff” conference in Berlin to prepare for the shift of the presidency of the G20 group from China to Germany. The T20 (or Think20) is an international network of research organizations dedicated to...

IPSP joins Council for Global Problem Solving

The IPSP is now a member of the Council for Global Problem Solving (CGP), a consortium of major research institutions from around the world. The CGP aims to find concrete, fair, and sustainable solutions to major transnational issues, including pressing economic,...

IPSP presentation at UN-DPAD, Nov. 23

On November 23, Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) presented the IPSP at a Development Policy Seminar of UN-DPAD, the United Nations Development Policy and Analysis Division. The DPAD is a research arm of the UN secretariat, aimed at strengthening economic and social...

IPSP Authors to speak at LACEA, Nov. 10-12

On November 10-12, the annual meetings of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) and Latin American Econometric Society (LAMES) will be held in Medellin, Colombia. The conference will feature a session by IPSP authors André Portela de Souza (Ch....

IPSP workshop at World Bank, October 20

On October 20th, the World Bank will hold a discussion of the first draft of the IPSP report. Marc Fleurbaey (Steering Committee) will provide an overview of the panel and discuss “Narratives about social progress,” based on Chapters 4 and 8 of the report;...

The education chapter at an OECD symposium

On June 16, 2016, Marius Busemeyer presented the chapter on „How education promote social progress“ at a Symposium sponsored by the OECD entitled „From Inclusion and Equity in Education to Social and Economic Prosperity“. The Symposium brought together current and...

IPSP authors at IAMCR2016

On July 30, at the University of Leicester, UK, the 2016 congress of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION RESEARCH holds a session with IPSP authors Gerard Goggin, Ingrid Volkmer, Herman Wasserman: Global Media Policy, Governance, and Rights...

Chapter 5 met in Paris on May 6-7

Chapter 5, focused on cities, met at FMSH in Paris, France this past weekend. The chapter is led by CLA Edgar Pieterse (University of Cape Town, South Africa) and CLA Saskia Sassen (Columbia University, USA) as well as eight other lead authors. We thank FMSH for their...

Chapter 1 will meet in Dublin April 28-29

Chapter 1 on Social Trends and New Geographies is scheduled to meet at Dublin City University for their chapter workshop at the end of this month. From April 28 to 29, the two coordinating lead authors and twelve lead authors will meet to discuss their work and make...

Chapter 10 Workshop, Paris, April 22-23

Chapter 10 on Violence, Wars, Peace, Security will be meeting in Paris, France later this month. The chapter workshop, held at FMSH on April 22 and April 23, will allow the two coordinating lead authors, Peter Wallensteen (University of Uppsala) and Michel Wieviorka...

Chapter 3 to meet in Germany April 8-9

Chapter 3 on Inequality and Social Progress, under the leadership of Rebeca Grynspan and Stephen Klasen, will be meeting this weekend April 8th and 9th. The chapter workshop allows the coordinating lead and lead authors to come together face-to-face and make progress...

Chapter 13 to meet in Australia April 13-15

Chapter 13 on Media and Communication, led by Nick Couldry and Koichi Iwabuchi, will meet at the University of Melbourne for a three-day chapter workshop. The workshop will take place from April 13 to April 15. A public lecture and panel will open the workshop: In...

Chapter 2 meets on Feb. 19-20 in Princeton

The Lead Authors of Chapter 2 (“Social Progress, A Compass”) hold their workshop on Feb. 19-20, hosted by the University Center for Human Values. Categories Announcements Blog Forum Media Uncategorized Video Spotlight Recent Posts Video Spotlight: A...

Science, technology and society workshop

The STS cross-chapter group meets in Hannover, on Jan. 13-15, 2016, to brainstorm about the role STS can play in Rethinking Society, and the notion of Social Progress. The participants of the workshop are authors spread over all the chapters of the IPSP report to...

IPSP now available in Chinese

IPSP now available in Chinese Today we are introducing the IPSP website in Chinese – the sixth translation following the English, Spanish, German, French, and Russian version. There are about 1.2 billion people who are native speakers of Chinese and we are...

IPSP Steering Committee adds five members

IPSP Steering Committee adds five members Ernest Aryeetey, Katsuhito Iwai, Elisa Reis, Leela Visaria, and Xiaobo Zhang have joined the Steering Committee: Ernest Aryeetey, Professor of Economics and Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana Katsuhito Iwai, Professor...

IPSP now available in Russian

IPSP now available in Russian Today we are introducing the IPSP website in Russian – the fifth translation following the English, Spanish, German, and French version. There are more than 250 million people who are native speakers of Russian and we are looking...

Social Media Presence Launched

Social Media Presence Launched A few days ago, the IPSP officially launched its Facebook and Twitter channel, increasing its public outreach and allowing people to stay up to date on the panel’s progress. You can like/follow us here: IPSP on Facebook IPSP on...

New Partner: Institute for Futures Studies

New Partner: Institute for Futures Studies The Institute for Futures Studies – an independent research organization focused on the development of society – has become the newest partner of the IPSP. Take a look at their work here: