A discussion and debate about the IPSP report was held at Sapienza University in Rome, Italy on February 1st. Several Italian media sources covered the event:
- A full video of the discussion is available from Radio Radicale
- ASviS TV (from the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) ran a segment on the event, including interviews with IPSP authors Gianluca Grimalda and Ruben Lo Vuolo
- A summary of the TV segment is available from La Repubblica, an Italian daily newspaper.
In addition, several of the speakers’ presentations can be downloaded here:

Lorenzo Sacconi: La bussola IPSP per valutare il progresso sociale 1.26 MB

Olivier Bouin: Perché l'IPSP? 2.87 MB

Massimo Livi Bacci: Ripensare la società 529.99 KB

Gianluca Grimalda: Cosa è il progresso sociale e quali sono le linee ditendenza? 1.35 MB

Rubén Lo Vuolo: Giustizia sociale, benessere e organizzazione economica 771.63 KB

Gian Paolo Rossini: Fra scienze umane e scienze «dure» 520.55 KB